Explore Pakistan
A land of peace and hospitality.
Population of Pakistan is 2nd in Islamic lager population and 5th in worldwide largest countries where population increasing is most serious problems.
245,343,586 is the current population according UNO reports. This is very alarming situation because poverty ratio is reporting highly in Pakistan. (39.3%) . 6,260 PPP dollars (2022) is average income of a common person in country. GDP of Pakistan is going down to earth.
The economy when we talk about it especially made in Pakistan product is most standardized than other our regions contrary if you are not agree than you will compare these products. Kuwait , Qatar , UAE , Saudi Ariba and other Arb countries have large market of Indian Products but all these products are under rated. Their textile , Spices and Food have no standard even the citizen of those countries not prefer the Indian products. Pakistani product a very small amount in these country but mostly products have international standard especially textile , Medical equipment, spices, stationary and food items.
But problems are faced by Pakistanis industries are so cruel. They have no equal chances. The cost of products is high. because they have faced many crucial problems.
Agriculture in Pakistan
Pakistan has granted by Allah four seasons and all seasons are blessings for people's. In Summer wheat is major crop which fulfill the all over Pakistan,s people need of food. Although other neighbors countries liked Afghanistan is depending on this crop. Sugarcane is other major crop grew in Winter season. The former want to sale with better rates but government restrictions bound them to sale the crops on fixed rates by state.
Other facts are that fuel prices are increasing day by day and electricity unit is more than up as compare to other countries of region so that difficult situations faced by formers in last year's.
Bringing the new technology in agriculture by government is policy but implement on it is slowly that's why many crops are wasted in fields and "PASCO" centers.
Everything regarding wheat like bread, was increasing last year very fastly. Fall down of curancy is effected on life of former. Raw materials is cheaper than readymade metrial. Wheat is cheaper and bread is sailing on higher prices. A difference between production and saler is much higher that's why formers can not survive.
Tons of wheat is wasted under the provinces government but not facilitate to their own people. Poor people is sufring due to higher prices of Floor.
Sugar Mafia is another major problem of country and they are almost uncontrollable. Government is unarmed against this sugar Mafia. Pakistan had produced cotton with 5th ranked in world but 80 mills of Sugar cane garbage it. The majority of sugar cane industrial is belonging to area which is famous for produce fine cotton and these industrial damage these areas with sugar cane mills held in said areas. Now former is grew the sugar cane crop instead of cotton. But an other Rogueries of this Mafia is that less and late payment to farmers.
Pakistan the inside beauty

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