
 Admiral M Amjad Khan Niazi NI

                Admiral M Amjad Khan Niazi NI(M) S Bt is the current Chief of the Naval Staff of the Pakistan Navy since 07 October 2020.The Admiral was commissioned in Operations Branch of Pakistan Navy in 1985. A winner of the coveted Sword of Honor, the Admiral has vast experience of both command and staff appointments.

Kashmir inside

    Pakistan and India are neighbor states and have a history of conflicts as such long away. Kashmir is the main dispute between these two countries. From year of 1947 when freedom were got both countries, Kashmiris are suffered for freedom from those years  from India. In the light of UNO resolutions India and Pakistan will be resolve this savior dispute with dialogs. But India run away always. India has declarer that occupied of Kashmir is rightful step but Pakistan and Kashmir's are denied their point of view. Also UNO is agreed in its resolutions that Kashmiri people have their right of freedom as many free nations. UNO in past many delegations set for the solve of problems but India denied always that efforts so now these days it is burning issue.     

Pakistan the inside beauty